Native Groundcovers for Matrix Plantings
Recently, I wrote about how to design a native matrix planting. Matrix plantings are defined by an evenly spaced grid of groundcover plants, interspersed with masses and drifts of seasonal plants. Groundcover plants are often grasses or sedges, but forbs (wildflowers), ferns, and even some shrubs can be used in the right conditions.
In this post, I’m highlighting my favorite groundcover plants that are native to central and northern Minnesota. While native populations may not be recorded in every single county, all these plant species are generally considered native throughout central and northern Minnesota. Many of them are also native to neighboring regions like northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. All can be grown in home gardens with relative ease, though I’ve noted special considerations, such as species that are aggressive growers.
Enjoy exploring groundcover options, and remember the old adage of the right plant in the right place! If you need specialized help with your native landscape, reach out to see how we can work together for ecological design, planting, maintenance, and restorations.
This native garden was planted in summer 2024. The photo was taken in October 2024. Note how fox sedge (Carex vulpinoidea) is already forming a flowing green groundcover. Taller forbs like sweet Joe Pye weed (Eutrochium purpureum) and sweet black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia subtomentosa) bloom above this living groundcover and add structure to the garden.
Native Groundcovers for Northern Minnesota
Grasses are an essential base of most groundcovers in full sun. These lower-growing species can be grown in a range of soil moistures, even in partial sun. Grasses create critical wildlife habitat, especially for pollinators who need places to overwinter in cold climates.
Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
Little bluestem is a warm-season grass that grows to be about three feet tall. It has strong vertical growth and forms round clumps. In fall, the foliage takes on copper and burgundy hues while fluffy seedheads flutter in the wind. Mesic to dry soils and full sun are preferred.
Side-oats Grama (Bouteloua curtipendula)
Side-oats grama is native to dry prairies but grows in gardens as a well-behaved groundcover grass. This species tops out at two feet tall and has flowers and seeds that dangle along one side of the stem. It is a warm-season grass that forms clumps and grows best in sunny medium to dry soils.
June Grass (Koeleria macrantha)
June grass thrives in dry soils with full sun. This is a cool-season grass that actively grows in spring and early summer, lies dormant in the hottest weeks, then grows again as temperatures cool in autumn. It is often the first prairie grass to bloom, with pale plumes emerging in June, hence its common name.
Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata)
Sweetgrass is a cool-season grass that spreads aggressively by rhizomes in wet to medium soils and full sun. It has many traditional uses (e.g., sweetgrass braids) and rarely grows taller than two feet high. Sweetgrass should be planted with caution in smaller landscapes, as it may overwhelm other species.
Sedges and rushes comprise much of the groundcover in northern forests and peatlands.
Sedges and Rushes
Is that grass or a sedge? Rushes and sedges are monocot species that often appear grass-like. They are a vital component of ecosystems, especially in wet soils, and some native sedge and rush species grow as fantastic garden groundcovers. Sedges and rushes are generally deer- and rabbit-resistant.
Pennsylvania Sedge (Carex pensylvanica)
Pennsylvania sedge has a fine, grass-like appearance that makes it popular in lower-maintenance landscaping. It grows in a wide range of sun conditions, but is most prized for its ability to thrive in dry, shady areas. Pennsylvania sedge will spread over time, but this process is slow, so plant seedlings no further than one foot apart in a groundcover matrix.
Fox Sedge (Carex vulpinoidea)
Fox sedge is naturally found around wetland edges. Its flowing green foliage forms a lush groundcover in areas that are sunny and moist to mesic.
Eastern Star Sedge (Carex radiata)
Eastern star sedge tops out at one foot tall, making it a good choice for a low-growing groundcover. It prefers medium-wet soil and partial to full shade. Consider this sedge for low spots or rain gardens in shade, where it will thrive.
Ivory Sedge (Carex eburnea)
Ivory sedge grows in dry soils under any light conditions. It will tolerate extended periods of drought better in partial or full shade. The short height of six inches makes ivory sedge popular as a low-growing groundcover for lawn replacement landscaping.
Common Wood Sedge (Carex blanda)
For shady spots, look no further than common wood sedge. Evergreen and growing no taller than one foot, this sedge will spread over time in almost any light conditions and soil moistures.
Path Rush (Juncus tenuis)
Path rush is an excellent choice for groundcovers that get light to moderate foot traffic. Its name comes from its tendency to grow along trails, where soils are compacted. Full or partial sun is preferred, and path rush tolerates most soil moistures.
Ferns add lush greenery and texture to woodland groundcovers.
Ferns add lush colors and unique textures to gardens, especially in the shade. While many native ferns are suitable for landscaping, two species stand out as groundcovers thanks to their short stature and preference for forming colonies.
Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum pedatum)
Maidenhair fern is naturally found in rich deciduous forests. It grows well in moist to mesic fertile soils under partial or full shade. This species spreads slowly to form colonies.
Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina)
Lady fern is a staple of shady landscapes. It grows in wet to mesic soils under any light conditions. You can find lady fern growing anywhere from sunny stream banks to cool, shady maple forests. In a garden, this species will steadily spread to fill open spaces.
Pearly everlasting (Anaphilis margaritacae) adds a striking contrast when planted among greener groundcovers like sedges and low-growing shrubs.
Groundcover goals vary, which is why some groundcover plantings focus on grasses and sedges, while others depend on forbs (wildflowers) to fill space. Forbs should always be a major component of ecological landscaping, but their use as a groundcover depends on site conditions and garden goals. Consider the following forbs if you’re interested in using native flowers as groundcovers.
Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana or F. vesca)
Wild strawberry sports low-growing evergreen leaves and spreads by red runners to cover open ground. White flower blossoms appear in spring. Wild strawberry will tolerate almost any sun conditions or soil moistures, except permanently wet areas. True to name, small red strawberries appear in June, provided plants receive sufficient sunlight to bear fruit.
Pearly Everlasting (Anaphilis margaritacae)
Pearly everlasting is a staple of northern ecosystems. It is a host plant for American and Painted Lady butterflies, which lay eggs on the leaves. Clusters of tiny yellow flowers with showy white bracts serve pollinators and add structure to the late summer landscape. This species tops out at two to three feet tall and prefers dry, even rocky soils.
Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia)
Common blue violet is an excellent groundcover forb. Its low height, willingness to spread, and tolerance of foot traffic and occasional mowing make it ideal for groundcover in yards. In spring, beautiful purple flowers will dot the ground, heralding the growing season ahead. Green leaves linger through summer and this species will happily grow among turfgrass and other groundcovers.
Canada Anemone (Anemone canadensis)
Canada anemone spreads boisterously by rhizomes to fill moist, sunny spaces. This species should be sited with caution due to its aggressive nature. If you have the space, Canada anemone will form a beautiful, low groundcover, over which taller plants can grow.
Prairie pussytoes (Antennaria neglecta) blooms with fuzzy flowers before many other plants have emerged in spring.
Prairie Pussytoes (Antennaria neglecta)
Have a dry, sunny spot with open soil? Prairie pussytoes may be just the right groundcover. This species stays low and features fuzzy flowers blooming in spring. The silver-green foliage provides a gorgeous groundcover throughout summer. A great choice for rock gardens and dry prairie gardens.
Prairie Sage (Artemisia ludoviciana)
Prairie sage will spread readily to fill bare soil with silver-green foliage. This species prefers mesic to dry soil in full or partial sun. It may overwhelm less competitive species in a small landscape.
Wild Ginger (Asarum canadense)
Wild ginger grows in rich, deciduous forests, where it forms colonies with large, green leaves that remain through summer. This species is ideal for shady woodland gardens. Small maroon flowers bloom at ground level in spring, where they attract ants for pollination and seed dispersal.
Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum)
Wild geranium is an admirable groundcover for mesic shady gardens. It features spreading green foliage peppered with pink flowers. Wild geranium can grow in many sun conditions, but the leaves may show summer stress when sited in full sun. Best planted alongside late summer bloomers that can fill in foliage gaps.
Virginia Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum virginanum)
Virginia waterleaf is underappreciated in gardens, but performs admirably as a groundcover. Elegant spotted foliage covers soil in spring, followed by beautiful pink-purple flowers that attract pollinators. In small landscapes, Virginia waterleaf may overwhelm less competitive species. Site with caution.
Solomon’s plume (Maianthemum racemosum) can form a wonderful groundcover on tough sites, such as dry shady slopes.
Solomon’s Plume (Maianthemum racemosum)
Solomon’s plume grows in moist to dry shade and stays below two feet tall with arching stems. It will spread steadily by rhizomes to fill open spaces and create a textured green groundcover. Clustered white flowers bloom in spring, and red, bird-friendly berries emerge in autumn.
Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum)
Prairie smoke grows best amidst grasses, with which it will form an attractive groundcover. Bright red flowers attract bumblebees in spring, followed by flowing seed heads that catch the wind. Green foliage remains through summer. Prairie smoke grows best in full sun and mesic to dry soils.
Golden Ragwort (Packera aurea)
Golden ragwort is a fantastic groundcover for larger landscapes. It spreads rapidly by rhizomes, even in partial or full shade, and can be a great choice for rewilding after removing invasive species. The aggressive nature of golden ragwort means that it should not be used in smaller gardens, where it will overwhelm other plants.
Prairie Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium campestre)
Prairie blue-eyed grass should be a staple in native bee lawns or lawn replacements. It is a member of the Iris family and features grass-like, low-growing leaves. Bright blue flowers bloom in early summer, creating a showy spectacle. This species thrives in dry conditions and does not need extra irrigation.
Longleaf Bluets (Houstonia longifolia)
Topping out at six inches tall, longleaf bluets grow in sunny, dry spots, even on steep hillsides. Do not mix this species with taller plants or it will succumb to shade-producing competition.
Early Meadow Rue (Thalictrum dioicum)
Early meadow rue excels in moist, shady woods. Plants slowly spread to create a lush groundcover no taller than two feet. This species is rarely bothered by deer.
Blue Bead Lily (Clintonia borealis)
Blue bead lily has dainty flowers in early summer, followed by blue, inedible berries containing seeds. This boreal lily can be found in colonies dotted throughout mixed coniferous and deciduous woods. It requires moist, cool conditions, typical of northern forests.
You’ll be hard-pressed to find blue bead lily at a nursery, even one specializing in native plants. Bare-root or container-grown plants are sometimes sold at plant sales. Seeds are easy to gather and plant fresh in autumn, but take two winters of stratification before germinating.
Northern bush honeysuckle forms a low-growing shrub groundcover on dry, rocky soils.
Most shrubs aren’t suited for use as groundcovers. The typical shrub growth habit of tall, woody stems just isn’t conducive for groundcover. However, there are a couple exceptions. The following shrubs are low-growing and comprise much of the groundcover in northern forests.
Northern Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera)
Northern bush honeysuckle grows at heights of two to three feet in dry, rocky soils. Though this native species is not a true honeysuckle, the flowers appear similar. The foliage turns bright red in autumn and this plant has a spreading growth habit perfect for a rock garden or dry woodland garden.
Bunchberry Dogwood (Cornus canadensis)
Bunchberry dogwood is difficult to find at native plant nurseries, but it is a staple species of cool northern forests. If you have a suitable landscape, such as moist mixed woods or a shady bog, it is worth the extra effort to grow this species. When sited well, bunchberry dogwood will form dense colonies that are a sight to behold at any point in the growing season. It makes for an eye-catching groundcover under conifers and maples.
There are many options for native groundcover plants, even in tough climates. The key is matching plants to place. If you need specialized help creating or caring for your native landscape, schedule a consultation and we can find solutions together! Consultation fees are always deducted when you sign a contract for design, planting, maintenance, or restoration services.